Sunday, July 30, 2017

Finding Comfort.....and Comforting Others

Papa Pushing Meme (Becky) at the Zoo.
Sitting in the wheelchair wasn't her
favorite, but she did it!
The thought struck me today, that as adult children eventually we get to "raise" our parents.  I don't mean raise in terms of they way they raised us.  Quite frankly, I don't have much wisdom to share with them.  They're still raising me in that sense of the word.

But right now with my Mom, I'm helping with many of the physical care activities that I've done for my kids over the years. Bathing, dressing, feeding, brushing hair and teeth.  So, while it reminds me of raising my kids in that sense, there might be another way I could apply the word, "raise."

I will return to that thought in a moment.

My mom needs comfort.  She seeks for it, and (usually) welcomes hugs from whomever is willing to pause for a moment, smile, and reach their arms out for a hug.  Sometimes it's all we can do.  We cannot fathom what is happening with her inner thoughts, but deep down within her still lies her innate desire to comfort, even in the face needing comfort herself.

Becky Offering comfort to woman at a
rest home.
As one of her children, I can say that I knew she always cared!  She was not necessarily a hugger, or the type to over emotionalize matters.  She was a fixer and doer.  But we knew she always cared.  To see her innately comfort us now in her small actions is humbling.  The video shows a small moment when she gave that comfort to my husband, Dave.

2 minutes after laughing with him, and comforting, she was walking around the kitchen crying.  This is a sound we hear for hours a day.  How do we comfort for that?  What does she need?  While a hug might help her for a moment, her restlessness is almost continuous.  Even sitting for an entire meal is difficult for her.

Maybe, in some small way, all the comforting we give and receive, is giving us an opportunity to help Becky with some of her final lessons on this earth.  She is preparing to rise in eternal glory with her maker, something I know she believes because she's testified of this to me many times.

Perhaps her spirit is still in training.  And just maybe, as one of her children, I can take some small part in her finishing course on earth.

So I guess I'm not really raising her, just patiently helping her endure to the time she will be raised in eternal glory.  Maybe.

And I couldn't do it without my incredible family!

Paige (14) with Meme
Jesse (19) with Meme
Eryn (10) with Meme
Add Kylee (12) with Meme

Caleb (12) with Meme

Brielle (17) with Meme


  1. I think you made a mistake on all the ages of your children. There's no way they're all that old! The look of worry on your mom's face in the kitchen is heartbreaking. I'm so glad she has lots and lots of arms to be put around her.

  2. I know, right!? I wish I really had made a mistake. Because they make me old! You're not far behind! ;) Thanks for your comment!
